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tracking unit中文是什么意思

用"tracking unit"造句"tracking unit"怎么读"tracking unit" in a sentence


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  • Consecutive years was rated " green " " a - class products , " " china quality journey integrity trusted tracking units , " the honorary title
    多年连续被评为“绿色环保” “国家a级产品” 、 “中国质量万里行跟踪诚信信得过单位”等荣誉称号。
  • Tracker network is providing the olympics 2004 security vehicle tracking subsystem that will monitor all of the vehicles that will be fitted with a combined tetra gprs gps tracking unit
  • Gps tracking unit is a device that uses the global positioning system to determine the precise location of a vehicle , person , or other asset to which it is attached and to record the position of the asset at regular intervals
  • A gps tracking unit is a device that uses the global positioning system to determine the precise location of a vehicle , person , or other asset to which it is attached and to record the position of the asset at regular intervals
  • This alarming conclusion , to be outlined this week at a major zoological conference in london , is based on a new generation of tracking units that have been monitoring the behaviour of these giant birds for the past few years
用"tracking unit"造句  
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